Hey there! I’m Kylie, a dietetic student, toddler mom, chocolate milk fiend, and avid thrift shopper. When I’m not at the gym or studying, I’m probably off somewhere making nutrition infographics.
I also have a Bachelor’s of Science in Nutrition from UAB, and 5 years of experience working with people towards nutrition and behavior change in a research setting. I’m fascinated by the ‘how’ of making lifestyle changes, and dedicated to helping others find the approach that works best for them.
I’ve also personally struggled with finding my own ‘how.’ From undereating, to restriction, to binging, I’ve used nutrition as a rulebook rather than fuel for my goals and activities. It wasn’t until I recognized the toll my diet was taking on my body and mindset that I realized my eating habits could be serving me in a much healthier way.
Nutrition programs at gyms can often become a strict book of rules. I believe in breaking free of those rules, and creating life-long habits that support your life, not dictate it.
If you’re tired of struggling with diet culture, online misinformation, and not seeing progress, you’ve found the program for you. You deserve to eat well, feel good, and get the results you want.
Reach out, and I’d be happy to chat with you about your nutrition journey and how we can work together to get you moving towards your goals.
BS in Biobehavioral Nutrition and Wellness
8210 Edwards Ave, Leeds, AL 35094, United States of America